Sunday, August 20, 2006

LIFE: Peter is two (and a HALF)

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Someone had his half-birthday yesterday! Peter is now precisely 2 1/2, and pretty much not a baby anymore as he keeps telling us. We just happened to have a half-cake in the freezer (because who doesn't?) and it was highly appropriate for a half-birthday. He gets so excited over birthdays and cakes (the other week he nearly burst just at the idea of helping open his uncle's birthday presents), so we figure, why not have two a year?

The giddy cute-boy smile on his face is almost enough to make me forget that in a two-hour span of time Thursday, Peter managed to throw a toy train at my head, grind very-bright orange curry into a clean blue carpet, break into the bathroom and rub skin cream into his hair, and throw half a roll of toilet paper into the half-full bathtub. Ah, toddlers...

Hey, don't forget to throw me a Worst Band Name ever if you're interested in my Burn To Shine 3 DVD contest giveaway in the last entry!

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