COMICS: Jay's Day Giveaway winners!

Yes sir and madams, I survived my work week of hell and at long last it's time to announce the winners of the Jay's Day Giveaway Contest! Thanks to all the folks who took the time to submit, I didn't get a ton of entries but enough to feel it was worthwhile to introduce folks to the great toons of my old pal Jason Marcy. Thanks also to the folks at Landwaster Books and Jay himself for donating cool swag to the winners.
So, to recap, in the spirit of Jay's hilarious and naked autobiographical comics, I asked folks to send in a title for what they'd call their own autobiography. Had some wicked funny (wicked? Am I in 1989?) entries, including a couple of honorable mentions...
From that nogoodnik Will Pfeifer, star of stage, screen and writer of the Catwoman comic book...
It's not in very good taste, but I think my autobiography should be called....
"Triumph of the Will"
Really, what else am I gonna call it? It's not my fault Leni Riefenstahl used it first.
Another honorable mention goes to Dave Lartigue:
I would call the story of my life:
"What Didn't Happen"
There's a long story as to why, but that's what I'd call it.
Now we get to the top three! Third place honors go to old college nemesis Lain Hughes, who wins the award for sheer quantity with his nine (!) entries, including such works as "Ham: The Definitive Treatise," "All My Pancakes" and "When Wheatfields Are In Bloom: A Lain Hughes Romance." But this one tickled me the most:
"The Manly Art of Self-Collapse"
I don't know what it means, but I like it. Lain wins five cool rare Jason Marcy minicomics and digests, including "Days With Jay: The Daily Journal" volume 1 and 2, "Aaargh!" #3 and #4, and "Marcy Musings" #2, a nice sampler of Jay's Days.
Second place goes to Andy Thornton, with this title:
"Raised On Mildew: The Story Of A Sensitive Boy And A Poorly Ventilated Home."
Andy wins two rare Jay Marcy minicomics, plus a signed copy of Jay's first graphic novel: "Jay's Days Volume 1"! Three cheers for Andy!
And finally, we come to first place. Need it be said that all entries were picked entirely on the fantastical and possibly misbalanced whims of myself with assistance from intrepid wife and random babbling from Baby Peter. Sponsors of today's presentation include the accounting firm of Price-Waterhouse and the letter "K."
Drum roll please, for the winner of the contest -- Gary Esposito of Brooklyn, New York, with this life story title that somehow sums it all up, doesn't it:
The catchy title for my autobiography?
What my parents would say when they screamed at me as a little kid:
"I Should've Drowned You In The Tub When I Had A Chance."
Gary wins not only "Jay's Days Volume 1" but Jay's most recent work, "Jay's Days Volume 3: Rise And Fall of the Pasta Lothario," plus magazines of the first two years of Jay's daily Internet strip! Holy smokes!
Thanks to everyone again for paying attention, and maybe one fine day I'll have recovered enough to do another contest. Cheers!